Silver Creek is the perfect community to call home if you’re considering a quiet yet close neighborhood in San Jose. This suburb has an impressive population density that will leave most people satisfied with their surroundings without feeling too crowded.
The median real estate cost in the Silver Creek community is $2,090,681, which makes it more costly than 97% of neighborhoods across California and 99.4% nationwide.
The median monthly rental price in the Silver Creek neighborhood is $3,772 – higher than 80.7% of the communities across California. This high cost of living can be seen as a major drawback for those who are looking to buy their home or rent out an apartment but don’t have such earnings themselves – after all, no one should pay more than what they’re making.
The Silver Creek neighborhood is a quiet, tree-lined neighborhood in which to raise your family. The real estate here consists primarily of large single-family homes or small apartment buildings – perfect for anyone who wants the comforts found at home with plenty more space than most neighborhoods offer.
The neighborhood is home to a mix of homeowners and renters. Many people in this area have been here since they were first dwelling, but some newer houses also dot the landscape as well.
In the neighborhood of Silver Creek, there is a low vacancy rate. This makes it hard to find housing here because people want more space and less competition among other would-be residents looking at homes in this area.
The Silver Creek neighborhood is among the wealthiest in the United States. Situated in a suburb of San Jose, CA, this neighborhood has a higher median income than 99.8% of neighborhoods in America. Despite the economic downturn in recent years, residents here have fared better than most Americans. The concentration of wealth in this neighborhood is unique even when compared to other wealthy areas in the United States.
Silver Creek is among the most family-friendly neighborhoods in all of California. This tightly knit community has top public schools and low crime rates, which make it an ideal location for parents to raise their kids while also enjoying a strong sense of socialization with other local families who live here as well.
This is the perfect community to raise a family because, in addition, you will find all amenities that are needed. The high number of college-educated parents also influences how successful these schools have been with their academic programs, making it an excellent neighborhood for those looking into moving next month, next year, or later.
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