The Tancrede neighborhood is an affluent suburban community located in Lakeland, FL. The median real estate price in this suburban neighborhood is $297,374, which is more costly than 42.3% of the neighborhoods across Florida and 52.0% of the neighborhoods across the U.S. Families that live in Tancrede enjoy a high quality of life, thanks to the excellent schools, safe streets, and abundance of recreational opportunities. This neighborhood is also home to many successful professionals and business owners.
The Tancrede community is a great neighborhood to rent a home. The average monthly rental price in this Lakeland neighborhood is $1,526 – a lower price than 82.4% of Florida neighborhoods. This makes Tancrede a great option for budget-minded renters. Whether you’re considering a neighborhood to call your own or just need a temporary home, Tancrede has something to offer you.
The Tancrede community’s real estate is predominantly made up of single-family homes and townhomes. The homes in this suburban neighborhood are typically medium-sized (three or four bedrooms) to small (studio to two bedrooms), making it the perfect place for young couples and families. The townhomes in this beautiful area offer a little more space than the single-family homes, making them a popular choice for those individuals who are seeking a little extra room.
The Tancrede neighborhood is a cultural melting pot, with more Brazilian and Dominican ancestry individuals residing in it than nearly any other community across America. This diversity is evident in the neighborhood’s cuisine, music, and culture.
The beautiful neighborhood of Tancrede is a great community to reside in if you’re eyeing an upscale, upper-middle-income area. With a higher median income than 60% of all neighborhoods across America, this Lakeland neighborhood is a great place to call home. The residents of Tancrede are mostly professionals who work in white-collar jobs, making it an ideal place for those who seek an affluent lifestyle.
In the Tancrede neighborhood, many residents are employed in executive, management, and professional occupations. This means that they have demanding jobs with high levels of responsibility. They likely work long hours, and their salaries are likely high. The second most common employment category in this area is sales and service occupations. This includes working in major sales accounts, as well as in fast food restaurants. Other residents in this picturesque Lakeland community are employed in manufacturing and laborer occupations or in clerical, assistant, and tech support occupations.
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